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Mostrando postagens de maio, 2019


The Indians are important to our history, in the book “Casa Grande e Senzala” the author treats very well the natives, besides the Africans.  This people unfortunately was deceived by the Portuguese who came here, in a song is well portrayed:  "I wish I had it at least once  To get back all the gold I gave to whoever  He managed to convince me that it was proof of friendship  If someone drove away to what I had not  ...  I wish I had it at least once  Forget I thought it was a joke.  That was always cut a floor cloth  Of fine linen and pure silk  ...  I wish I had it at least once  Understanding how one God at a time is three  And that same God was killed by you  Their wickedness, then, made God so sad "   It's called "Indians" - Urban Legion.  In it is well portrayed in the main the catechization of the natives who were used, robbers and lost their space.  And even today, it is difficult to recognize them as India


Prejudice is still very prevalent in our present society given due to existing patriarchalism and conservatism.  Prejudice called any form of judging without knowing, and worse still when they do not want to know and learn, having more bases and sources.  Given that, many individuals are still in the famous "closet" for fear their choices are the fruits of conflict, prejudice, bullying and can not be themselves.  Therefore, I believe that every form of love is considered just.  Saying Machado de Assis "the way to love does not matter, the important thing is to love."  Let's be free to do what you want, choose what you want !!